I left Africa with my family in 2000 and travelled to this country for my Father to start a new job. Eventually, I met a man and we got married and lived in the Midlands. A few years later we had a son together.
Slowly his attitude towards me changed. He needed to be in control, and this led to a long period of emotional abuse. For example, he would make sure that my name was on all of the bills, but he would control the money and ensure that I had no access to our bank account and had very little cash in my purse. I was constantly terrified that we would be disconnected. I felt shame and guilt but was powerless to make any changes. I was afraid of him and he knew it. He never told me of his plans, but expected to know all that I was planning. He didn’t like me having or seeing friends, and if I did something he didn’t like, I was shouted at and threatened.
Eventually he left me, but he refused to support my application for British Citizenship, and I was ultimately threatened with deportation which would have meant leaving my son in this country with him. Only my faith in God and the prayers and support of my Christian friends have sustained me through this long and difficult period.