Youth Groups

Sunday School classes

There has been a Sunday School at UGMC for generations where babies, boys, girls and young people have met together weekly to learn about God. Interactive fun lessons are delivered to children who are grouped together by age, starting with the baby’s class right through to the youth group. Bible stories are shared by Sunday school teachers through drama, songs, activities and games. Most of our teachers work with children throughout the week as school teachers, nursery nurses and children’s workers. 

The class for 10 plus year olds is our 'Comets' group, where the young people build on the foundation of the Bible stories they have learned, by looking at their own stories and discovering what it means for them to grow up in their schools, communities and social groups as a Christian. They learn about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and how to apply their faith to real life situations.

All of our dedicated Sunday School team are DBS checked.


Family Services


One Sunday every month at 10.45am until 12 noon


As well as our normal church services, we hold regular special family services, often tied into notable dates through the year. 

The services consist of various activities that all ages can be involved in, including action worship songs, contributions and prayers from the children and young people, games, drama, story, crafts and a short message. The services are always linked with a theme that runs through the service.

We finish with refreshments and a time for everyone to socialise.



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